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Okay, a prologue of sorts to Journey Man and The Dread book. The Pumpkin Head Ghost will start on Friday-I promise!
Other news: the Sketches section is no more, I can't keep it updated.


Tomorrow is the last page for the first book of Journey Man, The Dread Book. A little long but some necessary ground work I thought. By April 29th its on to The Pumpkin Head Ghost!
Also today is the first entry in my photography section, with much more to come! So, if you have any bare walls to spruce up, take a look!

Plus there's shiny new buttons that will hopefully ease navigation, in the main galleries for now. I'll have to tackle the comics later.


Journey Man will be back to a partial page updates starting Monday. It may also update later than usual. If you want you can tell others about this site or my active webcomic, Journey Man!.


Apologies for any broken links with Journey Man. Hopefully I fixed them.


Journey Man updates today...No fooling!


Not sure how well I can update the site this week. I'm nursing an injury, job hunting, and helping someone move this week.


First, a new Journey Man update today. Second, I added and adjusted desktop art for free downloads. A larger screen resolution is now available. I am working on getting other resolutions up.


A smaller update today, but a larger one on Monday. I hope this isn't turning into an over long prologue.


Journey Man related desktop art is in the works, I will post it as soon as it is available. Some will be free and others downloadable for a small fee. Thanks for any support to help with the development of art, and defray hosting costs! And if you wish, tell everyone you know about this site or Journey Man!


Back to the half page for Journey Man. Also, if you can please contribute any amount you can through the paypal button on the left. Whatever you can manage will be appreciated. I'm hoping with a few more weeks of Journey Man, There will be lots of new related art and goodies available for supporters.
This comic is using up a lot of my time reserved for color artwork. So...I may be posting some of my photos soon to make up for that.


Another full page of Journey Man updates! How much can this go on? I dunno.


A full page of Journey Man updates today. I couldn't think of a better way to depict the scene.


It looks like I will NOT be at the LTUE event this weekend (see entry below for 2.18). I'm sure there's still lots going on there at BYU.


I've uploaded improved versions of art for Journey Man. Very likely you won't notice a difference, but I will. I had to bring the art I created in 2005(!) a little closer to the art I'm creating today. A lot has happened with my art and website since then. I had to put Journey Man on hiatus twice while I concentrated on Mark and Lovey and full color illustration. The first Journey Man pages were still being inked with a brush and scanned, now they're roughed and inked digitally. I also had a regular job on the side that required my attention.

Which reminds me...if you can, please consider donating through the paypal button on the left. I have some expenses coming up, and my income isn't what it used to be. If there is any art you would like for your contribution, just let me know I'll be happy to do something. And if you can't contribute, consider telling someone about this site if you like it.

Thanks for stopping by!


It looks like I will NOT be at the LTUE event this weekend (see entry below for 2.18). I'm sure there's still lots going on there at BYU.


Donation Drive: I have some computer maintenance expenses coming up in early April. I would like to see if funds could be raised to cover them. The $250 goal would cover computer service and some ink for the printers. If you would like art for your donation, I would be happy to send you a print for larger donations $15 and up, or email you a high res art file for a commission, or send you some bookmarkers for smaller contributions ($1).
No donation is too small! I'll be posting a little donation progress chart and gifts available for different levels of contributions at the right.


I plan to hang some art at the Life, the Universe, and Everything Writing Symposium and art show at BYU in Provo this Thursday through Saturday. I have displayed there in the past, hopefully I'll be allowed to hang some art this year. I may also have some other prints for sale. Other News: Journey Man updated today. Watch for more news later today.


Journey Man has been updated.


Journey Man has been updated for today, wednsday.


Journey Man is updated. I hope to post new comics each Monday, Wednsday, and Friday. Am I off to a good start? All the other comics are in production, plus I'm lining up more for work. The Random Gamers had its pages broken up so I could enlarge them for readability. Just watch for announcements for when the next story arcs will begin.


Sighs...I'm shuffling stuff back to where it was...sorry for the confusion, hopefully the links will be good.


The Random Gamers has been updated with a one page adventure of the game room miscreants. This is the last of The Random Gamers comic that I created back in the 90's and published in a local game room newsletter.
I plan to work a while on the next story, Happy Melee Anime Babes, and post it when I have enough done. It will be an extended story arc. The full pages will be broken into half page updates (as in the Journey Man layout), and update more often.
As these older comics progressed my inking and scripting got more detailed, making it harder to read online (it worked just fine in the newsletter, though...this was before my introduction to the internet).
I also must work on full color art, and try to jump start Journey Man again.


Some new artwork, VTOLTURE is up. Also a reminder of the new, LOWER PRICING for my limited edition art posters and prints at www.artwanted.com/frankgunter.


Bookmarkers are available! If you like to read, check 'em out! They are 2 wide by 6.5 in. to 8 in. long, printed nice and sharp on semi-glossy, thick inkjet stock.

If you would like a set of four they are available for any amount donation through the paypal button at the top left of this main page. Be sure to email me your preference, I'll number them one through four top to bottom. If you have no preference I'll just send you one of each.


New landscape art up in the Animals and nature gallery, titled Window Seat.


The Random Gamers url has changed, as I work on the site. You may want to bookmark it again.

I am working on many different color and black and white works, one science fiction, the other fantasy/sci-fi. If things go well, I hope to have them both up sometime in the coming week.

Another item I'm working on is bookmarkers. They are 2andquot; x 6.5andquot; and have the art from my web page banners printed across them (like the banner at the top of this page). I'll post some photos when I have the first three or so done.

If you think you might like some, I'll be happy to ship you some for ANY SIZE donation you make through the paypal button at the top left of the site. If you donate as little as a dollar, I'll mail you three or more bookmarkers.


More reconstruction goes on with the web site, Journey Man is no longer a sub domain. You will want to bookmark it again if you're still following it. The code was in bad shape with lost links. I'm trimming the size of it and the site in general down, to make room for more content. Plus, it makes sense to have a sure foundation to build further on.


Some shuffling around with the web site, I hope you like. I know I do. If you would like a print now would be a good time to get one. I don't know how long the lower prices on my ArtWanted site will last.


Okay, uploaded page 6 of The Random Gamers and found out some old links were wrong. They are fixed now, I hope. sorry for any confusion.


Posted some art on this site The Gate, a pen and ink work from 2000. The original got mangled but I could still scan it in and fix it in photoshop. Its now available as a print, just follow the BUY IT! link to my gallery at artwanted.com.


NEW, LOWER PRICING IS UP ON MY ARTWANTED.COM WEBSITE!! More to come. Note that international shipping will still be extra. Continental shipping in US is included in print price.


The latest Random Gamers page is up. Hope to be back on schedule Friday.


New art uploaded: The Hypnocrites! Should've been up last night but I kept finding one more thing wrong with it...and one more thing...etc. Anyway, I'm trying to reconcile the two versions of my web site that got generated by my main computer going in for repairs (which were, thankfully, minor). I also hope to update Random Gamers by Monday. Sorry for all the delays.


The Mac Pro is back from the shop and I'm able to hook up the 30 in. monitor again. Now I can display more pages and work at higher resolutions again. Sorry for the lack of updates, spent time working on Dragonet art, other color art, looking up hardware, and blogging too much with the mac mini, which worked quite well to keep the art going. Hope to add more soon, thanks for stopping by.